November 26, 2023

Nov 25, 2023   •  
  • CCC Sunday Worship Services are held in-person and on Zoom.  Online participants should sign-in with a simple and recognizable name. Come join us online or in person!

Worship Services on Sunday, 26 November 2023 

     Cantonese [C] 9:30 am, HMH, Rev. Charles Koo

     Mandarin [M] 10:45 am, HMH, Brother Greg Chen

     English [E] 11:00 am, Sanctuary, Rev. Joshua Cho

Zoom links may be requested from

     Fellowship hour with lunch hosted by Nelson and Tom Kee in the Hung Memorial Hall will be at 12:10 pm.  Please be in the lunch line by 12:30 pm.


Take Note!           

Next Sunday, (12/03/2023) the Communion schedule of worship will be held.  Links may be requested from

  • 10:45 am Joint Chinese (Cantonese & Mandarin) – Rev. Charles Koo
  • 11:00 am English – Joshua Cho

Brother Greg Chen will provide a ministry update to the Board on 11/26/23 at 1 pm in the library.  Other interested congregation members may also attend.

Queen Esther Drama The presentation of Queen Esther will be during the Joint Worship Service on December 10 at 10:45 am. Look for opportunities to invite and pray for friends and family who do not know Jesus to attend this special worship service.   Thank God for the opportunity to share His goodness through the Esther production in whatever capacity we serve.  Please note that we will not be able to Zoom the service on December 10.  Instead, please join us in person to celebrate God’s salvation plan for His people.

Gratitude Tree In this season of Thanksgiving, let us as a church family reflect on God’s faithfulness by sharing with one another. How have you seen His loving hand in our lives and in our church? You may still add leaves of thankfulness to the Gratitude Trees in the fellowship hall up this Sunday 11/26.  Write down something you are thankful for on a leaf and add it to the tree. As we see it fill up, may our hearts be filled with gratitude to our God for who He is and all He does for us.

Poinsettias may be ordered for the altar on December 24 or for distribution to a shut-in.  Please complete a form found in the literature rack and turn in with payment of $10 each in the offering bag or the church office by December 17.

Looking Ahead:

December 17        Annual Congregation Meeting, 1:00 pm [Year in Video, Powerpoint Committee Reports, Q & A]

December 24        Joint Christmas Worship Service, 10:45 am

2023 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is currently underway with the theme, Show Some Love: Be the Face of Change. CFC allows Federal workers and retirees an opportunity to give to charitable organizations making a difference in the lives of people in our community.  Our church’s Chinatown Service Center [CSC] is one of the organizations on the list. Use CFC # 34868 to direct your donation to our Center.  To find out more about CFC, check out If you are not a Federal worker, you may still donate to the Center directly through the church.

Disaster Relief for Hawaii In Christian love, CCC is collecting monetary donations for disaster relief in Maui after wildfires devastated communities on the island. If you are able, please make your checks payable to the Chinese Community Church with a designation for “Maui relief” before November 30. You may also donate cash or Zelle/Paypal. Your donations will be matched up to $6000 by our church members who grew up in Hawaii and now reside in the DC area. All funds will be given to the American Red Cross providing financial aid, temporary housing, meals, mental health and spiritual counseling, and support of local businesses.

Lunch Cooks needed for December and January! Please sign up on the kitchen bulletin board if you can help.  Contact Nelson Kee, Membership Chair, or Kitchen Committee members Mingguang Zhang or Feimin Zhang if you have questions.

Parking at PMI Parking lots on Sundays:  900 New York Avenue – Free parking with validation stamp.  Enter on 9th Street. PMI Garage at 600 Mass Ave – church paid arrangement for those who need to have a closer option for parking.  For either lot, please make sure you pick up a validation stamp or follow-up ticket at the front door from security or greeters. Street parking is also free on Sundays.  For more information contact


Need Prayer? Send your request through the homepage of the church website.  or join the Monthly Church-wide Prayer Meeting.  We invite you to join together as a church family for prayer in our next meeting on December 4, 2023 (usually the first Monday of the month) from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Participants may pray in any language, offering only words meant for God.  There should be no explanation or self-introduction.  You may pray following the direction of the pastors or for items on your mind at the time. You may come any time during the hour. To request meeting link, please click here.

Offerings and Donations are being received during worship services.  Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. Give according to what you have, not what you don’t have. 2 Corinthians 8:12 NLT. You may also send checks in the mail, add CCC to your Bill Pay service from your bank, or send offering through Zelle ( or PayPal. Checks are payable to Chinese Community Church, 500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001.  If giving through PayPal, avoid fees by designating Friends and Family from your account, not a credit card or using the PayPal Giving Fund.  In 2023 recording of PayPal donations will reflect actual amount church receives (so fees will be deducted if incurred)

Offering collection boxes are also stationed in church worship spaces. In addition to operating budget, you may designate donations to missions, Good Samaritan Fund, Chinatown Service Center, Building Fund, or Maui Relief. Questions may be directed to


Sunday School Classes

Children Kindergarten through 5th graders, 9:30 am

Middle and High School, Room 300, 9:30 am

College and Young Adults, Room 303, in-person only, 9:30 am

Adults, 9:30 am 

  • English, Room 304, 9:30 am. In person and on Google Meet: To request meeting link, please click Class time will be devoted to a time of prayer and thanksgiving.
  • Mandarin, Room 103, 9:30 am
  • Cantonese, Room 103, 11:00 am.


Community News

For more information, call Michelle Yi at the Chinatown Service Center, 202-898-0061 on weekdays or check the website

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) offers low-cost health insurance for children and teens according to income guidelines.  Contact the Service Center for more information.

Next Legal Clinic, sponsored by Chinatown Service Center and Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center, will be on December 7. Translators are provided.  You must reserve a spot with Michelle, 202-898-0061 in order to attend.  She will provide meeting details when you call.

Community Services Classes on Zoom:  English as a Second Language Class, Tuesdays @ 6 pm (No class on 11/28); Citizenship Classes, Saturday mornings on zoom @ 9 am. Contact Chinatown Service Center for changes to schedule or to register and obtain the meeting link: 202-898-0061.

How to contact CCC:

Pastors are available by phone, email and text or in-person with an appointment.   Please reach out if you or a loved one needs pastoral care or other assistance.  Pastor Charles – 202-271-8422; Pastor Joshua – 847-293-7585; Pastor Joanna – 202-684-0032.

The church office and Chinatown Service Center regular office hours are, Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.  All visitors must call the respective office to make an appointment before coming in and be informed of safety protocols when entering the church building.  Church office number is 202-637-9852 and Chinatown Service Center number is 202-898-0061.


Online Meetings:

[E] English, [C] Cantonese, [m] Mandarin

  • Virtual Fellowship [E] on Sundays, 12 pm right after English Worship. Stay on the same Zoom conference after the worship service.
  • Hope Fellowship [E] on Thursdays at 1:30 pm. For retirees who wish to study the Bible, have discussion and share in life together! Email Pastor Joshua for information.
  • Ladies English Adult Fellowship [E] 1st and 3rd Fridays. In-person and online. Contact Grace Chen with for location and time.


In-Person Meetings:

  • Virginia Bible Study and Prayer Group [E&C] 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 10 am – 12 noon with lunch.
  • CCC Young Professionals Fellowship [E] meets Wednesdays @7:30 pm. Contact Pastor Joshua for details.
  • Married & Family Fellowship [E] 2nd & 4th Potluck dinner: 7 pm, Bible study: 8 pm. Email Aaron Woo or Tom Kee for more information.
  • Teen Fellowship [E] 2nd & 4th Fridays @ 7:00 pm. Will run concurrently in person with Married & Family Fellowship. Email Pastor Joshua or Everett Lum for informat
  • Soul Sisters [E] Fellowship activity every other month. Contact Joanne Kee for details.
  • Bible Study 100 [E&C] has completed their study series for this year. Contact Monica Wong about details for next year’s plan.


CCC on the Web!












崇拜之後12:10在禎桂堂有午餐團契,感謝Nelson Kee 及Tom Kee為我們準備。請在12:30之前排隊買票。



下週日(2023123) 主日聖餐崇拜。請發送電郵到info@cccdc.com索取Zoom鏈接。

  • 國粵語堂聯合崇拜:早上10點45分 – 辜漢然牧師
  • 英語堂:早上11點 – 曺富鉉牧師


以斯帖皇后戲劇 將在12101045分的聯合崇拜中演出。請找機會邀請不認識耶穌的親戚朋友來參加這個特別的崇拜以及為他們禱告。讚美主透過這部戲劇的制作,讓我們不論在任何剛位,都有機會彰顯祂的良善。請注意: 1210日我們將沒有在Zoom網上崇拜當天請親自前來參加並慶祝神對祂子民的救恩計劃。

感恩樹 在這個感恩節的季節裡,讓我們教會大家庭透過彼此分享來反思神的信實。你如何在我們的生活和教會中看見主慈愛的手?請最遲在11月26日,成爲在禎桂堂的感恩樹上種滿「感恩之葉」的一分子。在葉子上寫下您感恩的事並將其添加到樹上。當我們看到它被填滿時,願我們的心因為神是自有永有的以及他為我們所做的一切,而充滿感恩之情。

一品紅聖誕獻花 開始接受訂購用於12月24日的大禮堂佈置或送贈住院或行動不便之會友。請在資料架上索取表格,填寫後連同每盆花10美元放入奉獻袋或交到教會辦公室, 截止日期為12月17日。


12月17日     年度會眾會議,下午1:00 [一年回顧、委員會報告、問答]

12月24日     聯合聖誕崇拜,上午10:45

2023聯合聯邦籌款活動 (CFC) 目前正在進行中。主題是“表達愛心,作改變的一份子”CFC讓聯邦僱員和退休人員有機會向慈善組織捐款,從而改變社區及人們的生活。我們教會的華埠服務中心 [CSC] 是其中的組織之一。使用CFC# 34868將您的捐款直接捐給我們的中心。要了解有關CFC的更多信息,請訪問。如果您不是聯邦僱員,您仍然可以直接透過教會向中心捐款。

夏威夷救災 夏威`夷毛伊島遭受山火摧毀社區,CCC懷著基督徒的愛心,為毛伊島的救災活動籌集捐款。如果你有感動捐助,請在11月30日之前將支票抬頭寫給Chinese Community Church,並註明「Maui毛伊島救濟」。您也可以現金或透過Zelle/Paypal捐助。我們在夏威夷長大、現在居住在華盛頓特區一帶的教會成員將相配捐款至6,000美元。所有資金將捐給美國紅十字會,作為提供經濟援助、臨時住宿、膳食、心理健康和精神輔導以及對當地企業的支持。

午餐烹廚 我們12月及1月需要午餐廚師!如果您能幫助烹廚,請在廚房對面的佈告欄上報名。任何問題請聯繫會員主席Nelson Kee梅偉雄或廚房委員會成員張明光、張飛敏。

週日停車在PMI停車場:教會通常在900 New York Avenue為參加主日敬拜的會衆提供的停車位,請用9街入口;另外教會亦在600 Mass Ave的停車場,為需要停在靠近教堂的會衆安排了停車位。無論您在哪個停車場,請向教堂前門的主日招待或安保人員領取停車票。星期日您也可以在街邊免費停車。欲知更多信息,請發送咨詢郵件到




奉獻與捐贈 哥林多後書8章12節說:“因為人若有願做的心,必蒙悅納,乃是照他所有的,並不是照他所無的。”您的奉獻與捐贈可以通過郵寄支票或銀行轉賬,以及用Zelle ( 或 PayPal的方式支持教會目前的開支。奉獻支票擡頭是:Chinese Community Church地址是500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001;如用PayPal的方式,為免服務費請指定您賬内的親友而不是信用卡;或通過PayPal捐贈基金捐獻。自2023年開始PayPal捐款確認將反映教會從PayPal扣除費用後實際收到的金額。

教堂多處都設置了奉獻箱。除了運作預算,請指定奉獻用於支持宣教、Good Samaritan Fund、華埠服務中心、教會大樓基金。有問題請電郵




  • 教堂地下室下層教室實體和Zoom平台網絡課堂
  • 請發送電子郵件向林一劼查詢網絡課堂鏈接




  • 國語:9:30禎桂堂103室。
  • 粵語:11:00禎桂堂103室。(凡聯合崇拜主日取消)




醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心 (CMS) 根據家庭收入指引為兒童和青少年提供低收費健康保險。聯繫服務中心了解更多信息。




教牧輔助:教會的牧師通過電話、電郵、短信以及親自探訪的方式與會衆保持聯繫。如果您或您的家人需要教牧或其他輔助,請聯络牧師:辜漢然牧師 – 202-271-8422、曺富鉉牧師 – 847-293-7585、徐麗娟牧師 – 202-684-0032。




  • 粵語堂:星期三晚上7點45分。請點擊此處獲取禱告會鏈接。有任何疑問請撥電話202-271-8422聯絡辜漢然牧師。
  • 國語堂:星期二晚上7點為全體國語會眾禱告會。以Zoom在線參加活動。詳情請聯繫程曉青或徐麗娟牧師


  • 粵語提摩太查經班Timothy Bible Study(粵語)每月第一個星期六上午10點。以實體和在線聚會。欲知聚會地點或鏈接方式,請聯絡Monica Wong
  • 聖經100樂讀(粵語及英語):2023年課程已經結束。請聯絡 Monica Wong了解明年的課程計劃。
  • 維州查經、禱告會(粵語及英語):每月第一和第三個星期二上午10 – 12點聚會。詳情請聯絡陳偉忠
  • 國語禱告查經小組:星期二晚上7點,Zoom在線聚會。詳情請聯繫程曉青或徐麗娟牧師
  • 華樂大廈查經班:每個星期三的下午1點30分在華樂大廈聚會。




